+39 030 6810166
For retailers
Take advantage of the quality and the convenience of Marpimar Edizioni products.
Become our distributor and you will soon realize that you have joined the winning team!
In fact, Marpimar Edizioni can supply you with top-of-the-range products at incredibly good prices, allowing you a respectable profit margin!
Here is what you can find at Marpimar:
• Greeting cards and Invitation cards for all kinds of holidays and social occasions.
• Greeting cards with three-dimensional effects.
• Wrapping paper with matching Greeting cards and Shoppers images
• Photo albums and padlocked diaries
• Shoppers and Pouches to give more visibility to your client's business.
• Decoupage paper.
+39 030 6810166
We are waiting for you!
Discover our fantastic promotions ...
Marpimar Edizioni Srl
Via Provinciale 1/C
25050 Rodengo Saiano (BS) Italy
C.F. e P.Iva 02095390171
tel. +39.030.6810166
fax +39.030.6816882